News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Iodine the new ivermectin: Government, media attacking all covid remedies that actually work
The latest threat to the government’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic agenda is betadine, an iodine-based nasal spray that is helping people to stay safe and protected against the Chinese Infection. Much like ivermectin, betadine is being called “dangerous” by the powers that be because it protects and heals without the need for hand sanitizer, face […]
By Ethan Huff
New York Times reporter lied about covid “surge” at schools to push more plandemic paranoia
A writer at The New York Times named Apoorva Mandavilli was caught lying about a “surge” in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “cases” at schools in order to scare more people into getting “vaccinated.” Mandavilli’s piece contained many of the usual talking points about how the “need” for people to get injected is “urgent” because “[c]hildren now […]
By Ethan Huff
Mother Jones says natural immunity doesn’t exist, calls it a “dangerous theory”
Does your body have a built-in immune system that keeps you protected against disease? Not according to Kiera Butler of Mother Jones, who claims that natural immunity is a right-wing “conspiracy theory.” Butler says she worries that “anti-vaxxers” are running wild with this “dangerous theory,” causing it to go mainstream. In her view, the only […]
By Ethan Huff
PROOF: Hospitals are lying about being overrun with covid patients… many facilities are EMPTY
Another medical field whistleblower has come forward to blow the lid on the media’s lies concerning hospital ICUs being “overrun” with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) patients. Josh Snider, who worked in facilities management at Missouri Baptist Medical Center (MBMC), personally confirmed that his hospital has been largely empty, despite claims by upper management that it is […]
By Ethan Huff
Crazed CNN doctor and baby killer Leanna Wen says Americans only have the “right” to travel if the federal government ALLOWS them to… and the unvaxxed, she says, have no such right!
Do you enjoy traveling? In order to do so in the “new normal,” you may first need permission from the government, according to CNN medical analyst Leana Wen. Unless you agree to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Wen says you should not be afforded the “privilege” of being able to move about freely. […]
By Ethan Huff
AP issues correction after publishing fake news story lying about ivermectin
The Associated Press (AP) has been forced to issue a retraction after the “definitive source for independent journalism” was caught publishing a fake news story about people supposedly being poisoned by ivermectin. The AP falsely claimed that 70 percent of all calls to the Mississippi Poison Control Center now involve overdose cases where people self-administered […]
By Ethan Huff
FACT CHECK: Rolling Stone lied about hospitals being full of ivermectin overdose patients
A few weeks back, the left-wing rag Rolling Stone published an ivermectin hit piece that falsely claimed hospitals are now being overwhelmed with patients who supposedly overdosed on the FDA-approved anti-parasite drug for humans. Rolling Stone‘s headline said it all: “Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says.” As it […]
By Ethan Huff
FACT CHECK: The FDA first approved ivermectin for HUMANS back in 1996… media outlets are deliberately lying to the public
The mainstream media is lying on behalf of Big Pharma and the medical fascists by falsely claiming that ivermectin is a de-wormer for animals, when the reality is that the anti-parasite drug was first approved for human use back in 1996. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is really a […]
By Ethan Huff
New York Times admits the Pfizer vaccine is FAILING in Israel as post-injection infections skyrocket
You know things are bad with Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” and the plandemic agenda when even The New York Times is sounding the alarm about surging infections due to widespread vaccine compliance. The more people get injected, the Times now admits, the more they are testing “positive” for Fauci Germs, in many cases requiring hospitalization. […]
By Ethan Huff
Another TRUE conspiracy reported by Natural News now confirmed reality: Organ harvesting of aborted babies
Everything we have been warning about for years concerning the government’s aborted baby body parts racket is finally going mainstream, thanks to the diligent work of independent investigative groups like Judicial Watch. It has now been revealed that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funneled at least $2.7 million to the University of […]
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