News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Here are the media personalities and news outlets who were RIGHT all along about Obama’s spying on Trump (including the Health Ranger)
Democrats and their sycophantic supporters in the “mainstream media” continue to denounce the newly-released and highly revealing FISA Memo, savaging Republican lawmakers and President Donald J. Trump because they were brave enough to believe the American people needed to know what was in it. In an incredible and rare act of transparency, House Intelligence Committee […]
By JD Heyes
The Pentagon Papers vs. the FISA Memo: Once upon a time when the “mainstream media” was all about “government transparency”
Last month a new movie hit theaters around the country starring, among others, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep called “The Post.” The movie is about, according to IMDB.com, “a cover-up that spanned four U.S. Presidents [and] pushed the country’s first female newspaper publisher and a hard-driving editor to join an unprecedented battle between the press […]
By JD Heyes
Never forget: The entire Clinton email scandal was dismissed to protect Obama, and now we have the “Trump-Russia collusion” hoax
As rumors swirled around Washington over the weekend about what is in the so-called “FISA memo” and whether it proves beyond a doubt that certain figures in the FBI and Department of Justice colluded to undermine Donald J. Trump’s campaign and, later, his presidency, there is one thing no one should ever forget: President Barack […]
By JD Heyes
NBC News’ Lester Holt brainwashed into propaganda tool for North Korea
In July 1972, as the Nixon administration was winding down America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, compliments of a Democratic president, Lyndon B. Johnson, Left-wing entertainment darling Jane Fonda took a little trip to North Vietnam, where she had her picture taken mingling with enemy troops as she sat, helmeted, on an anti-aircraft gun. The […]
By JD Heyes
Death threats against CNN are nothing compared to the outrageous, repeated death threats against vaccine safety researchers
During a recent episode of his little-watched program, CNN host Don Lemon excoriated President Donald J. Trump for calling his network “fake news.” After playing a montage of instances showing Trump making that charge in order to reinforce his point, Lemon then claimed that several hosts and employees at CNN had been threatened with violence […]
By JD Heyes
It’s literally UNREAL: Author of “bombshell” Trump White House book ADMITS he can’t verify all that’s in it
Imagine you’re a book publisher and you’ve put substantial resources in what you’ve been led to believe is a major ‘tell-all’ tome involving key figures in a new presidential administration that appears to be pin-balling from one scandal to the next. You’ve been told by the book’s author, who has spent months getting ‘unprecedented access’ […]
By JD Heyes
Democrats’ bogus “Trump-Russia collusion” now FALLING APART, so the NY Times is trying to CHANGE the narrative
If you still believe that the so-called “mainstream media” isn’t completely in cahoots with the Democratic Party, this should convince you otherwise. You may recall that the “paper of record” was all over the “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative early last year, filing several “bombshell” reports claiming that various members of President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, as […]
By JD Heyes
Here are the most important, but CENSORED, news stories of 2017
Professional journalism took a major hit this past year as one establishment media outlet after another became afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and spent the better part of the past 12 months manufacturing one story after another. Normal confirmation of information through multiple, independent sources was one of the biggest casualties of the year as […]
By JD Heyes
The Washington Post makes excuses for drunk drivers… but only if they’re illegal aliens
Once again the so-called “mainstream” media is showing its true colors by lining up with lawbreakers and hooligans over the law-abiding citizenry. This time it’s a regular offender, The Washington Post, which has decided that drunk driving is fine and dandy so long as it’s an illegal alien who’s doing the drinking and driving. The […]
By JD Heyes
WRONG again: Dems who believed Trump would be slaughtered by Hillary Clinton NOW predicting major party gains in 2018
You’ve got to hand it to Democrats: They are eternally optimistic about their election opportunities next year and they really do believe they’re set for a major sweep of both the House and the Senate in the Age of President Donald J. Trump. There’s just one problem with that line of thinking: It’s as delusional […]
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