News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The POWER of the RIGHT question: The best questions about elections, vaccines, prescription medications, and food ingredients yield the best answers
How ironic that the Democrats running the country right now are persecuting anyone and everyone who questions the validity of the 2020 election, when they spent 4 long years questioning the 2016 election, using every tool in the box, including attempted impeachment, and of course, the daily news-splattered Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Now, the Democrats in […]
By S.D. Wells
Fair’s fair: Since parents can sue Alex Jones for “emotional distress,” can 160 million Americans sue Fox News and MSM for lying about vaccine-induced injuries and death?
Thousands of court cases in American history have set the precedent for future litigation and even influenced their outcomes. Case in point: Parents of children who were reportedly killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting were awarded over $4 million in the defamation case against famous podcaster Alex Jones because he said the mass […]
By S.D. Wells
WaPo shill and drama queen “presstitute” Taylor Lorenz dramatizes her virus mania “PTSD” after CDC drops the entire Fauci Flu narrative
Not very long ago, virus mania had thousands of “fully-vaccinated” Americans treating the unvaccinated and the non-social-distancers like infectious lepers. Dirty looks from the mentally incapacitated, vaxxed-and-masked sheeple-herd could nearly put a healthy person six feet under. If you didn’t buy in 100 percent to the CDC-Fauci-Flu narrative, you were a “domestic terrorist” spreading the […]
By S.D. Wells
USA Today the epitome of FAKE NEWS with bogus attacks on anti-vaxxers as two dozen fabricated “sources” revealed
Mainstream shills simply can’t make up stories fast enough to try to keep their jobs and stay relevant in the scripted, mainstream, fake-stream news cycle. Recently, for USA Today, it got so bad, they had to reveal themselves as fake news. Nearly two dozen articles were pulled from circulation because all of the “sources” for […]
By S.D. Wells
We’re in the middle of an INFODEMIC and there’s no cure in sight as “authoritative” sources are full of medical misinformation
The worst part of the pandemic is not the virus, but the misinformation coming from the WHO, CDC, FDA and Biden Regime. The regurgitation of haphazard guessing and conspiracy theories based on zero science has created the most dangerous kind of pandemic – an infodemic. First, we were told by Nancy Pelosi that it was […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: NBC thrives on deception and reputation destruction using dirty covert internet tactics to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse
Mainstream media outlets are seasoned professionals at accusing other organizations of the very corruption in which they are engaged themselves. Here is the epitome of this “pressing story” where NBC claims their adversaries are doing exactly what they do regularly, where they manipulate and control online discourse using extreme tactics for destroying the reputation of […]
By S.D. Wells
EXPOSED: WAPO’s favorite journo-crybully Taylor Lorenz doxxes Libs Of TikTok creator after whining about other people exposing her filth online
The Washington Post has a paid character “assassin” on their payroll, who doxxes conservatives at will, then cries the blues when anyone does the same to her. She goes by the name Taylor Lorenz, and she is the ultimate cry-bully “reporter” who just published the HOME address of a conservative Orthodox Jewish person because WAPO […]
By S.D. Wells
A Clinton-appointed judge just declared the NYT can openly LIE about any conservative, without repercussions
Back in January of 2011, in a suburban area near Tucson, Arizona, someone attempted to assassinate Democrat politician Gabrielle Giffords by shooting her in the head in a Safeway grocery store parking lot. She somehow survived the attack. Six years later, in 2017, someone tried to assassinate House Republican Whip Steve Scalise during a congressional […]
By S.D. Wells
“Tattletale” mainstream journalist Taylor Lorenz now suffering from cry-bully-induced PTSD, also known as POST TWEET-STORM DRAMA disorder (opinion)
Will Taylor Lorenz, the ultimate “tattletale journalist,” be put on psychotropic drugs to deal with the flurry of insulting tweets she just received as backlash for ripping people’s lives apart and calling her bully blogs “internet culture?” A current drama-journalist at the DC rag, a.k.a. WAPO (Washington Post), and a previous writer for the New […]
By S.D. Wells
Where is Tiffany Dover? Nurse who fainted while being COVID-vaccinated during a live news conference is still NOWHERE to be found
How would everyone feel about vaccines if they knew people were dropping dead like flies after getting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shots? A nurse named Tiffany Dover, who worked at CHI Memorial Hospital in Tennessee, with over 20 years experience, fainted on live television while bragging about how great it is to get vaccinated for […]
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