climate change
By Vicki Batts
The fake news media has begun banning content that questions the global warming hoax… because DEBATE cannot be tolerated by the arrogant Left
The mainstream media is known for promoting all kinds of propaganda, but the push on global warming definitely takes the cake. Not only does the fake news media refuse to report on science that undermines the big scary climate change narrative, multiple news outlets have flat-out banned any sort of discussion or dissemination of data […]
By Ethan Huff
National Geographic finally comes clean: Super viral video of polar bear “starving from climate change” was totally fake news
Last year, a pair of photographers from National Geographic captured disturbing video footage of an emaciated polar bear that they uploaded to the magazine’s website with the opening line: “This is what climate change looks like.” There’s just one problem, though: the polar bear’s plight had absolutely nothing to do with climate change, it has […]
By Tracey Watson
Scientific truth “breaches guidelines on accuracy and impartiality” at the BBC, where they have apologized for allowing climate change skeptic to debunk global warming
Whether or not you believe in global warming, you likely value freedom of speech. While most reasonable people would agree that divisive and hateful speech such as that promoted by groups like the Neo-Nazis and ISIS should not be tolerated, in a free society it is important to allow people to voice their differing opinions […]
By JD Heyes
Fake News: Associated Press omits quotes from a professor who doesn’t buy into the human-caused “climate change” hoax
Like the rest of the far-Left “establishment” media, The Associated Press did a story attempting to link the series of unusually strong hurricanes this season with human-caused “climate change” and “global warming.” And like most of its establishment media colleagues pushing this garbage, the AP’s story wound up doing the same thing, primarily by omitting […]
By Tracey Watson
Fake news Washington Post now claims climate change is causing chemical plants to explode
There is no doubt that Hurricane Harvey left an immense trail of destruction in its wake. In addition to displacing tens of thousands of people, this force of nature also destroyed many thousands of homes and vehicles, as well as commercial structures and important infrastructure. Predicted to be one of the costliest storms in U.S. […]
By JD Heyes
Heartless Leftists politicize Hurricane Harvey, blaming victims for causing “climate change”
In an interview with CNN’s “New Day” morning co-host Chris Cuomo, top presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway got a little irritated when she was asked what was, given the circumstances and subject matter, an incredibly stupid question. As reported by the Washington Examiner, the two first sparred over the issue of congressional funding for Hurricane Harvey […]
By Jayson Veley
NYT caught in total bulls##t LIE about Trump and a climate change report… WashPost labels “epic screw-up”
Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why the left-wing media constantly lies to the American people? It would seem that if the people really were embracing big government, and really did want to surrender their liberty to an all powerful state, then the liberals would just be up front with their true agenda. Likewise, […]
By Jayson Veley
New York Times retroactively swaps documents to rig climate change article
We have reached a point in America where the intentional spread of misinformation from the mainstream media is almost to be expected. Journalism is dead, and in its place exists an ongoing effort to not only advance the progressive agenda, but also to discredit and delegitimize President Trump. Case in point: The phony, left wing […]
By Jayson Veley
Climate change cultists are now taking over your local weather forecast
There is an ongoing effort in this country to do away with America’s capitalist economic system in the name of “saving the planet.” Radical environmentalists like Al Gore believe that if they continue to spread propaganda about the planet’s imminent doom as a result of carbon dioxide being sent up into the atmosphere, then people […]
By Vicki Batts
NYT Columnist being attacked by the Left after writing about the ridiculousness of “blindly” supporting climate change narratives
The “nasty left” has a new target: Bret Stephens. The former Wall Street Journal writer recently authored a piece about climate change for The New York Times — and the paper’s liberal readers were not too happy about it. Stephens made the mistake of presenting a rational, unbiased opinion about climate change — but to extreme Leftists, […]
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